Monday, February 20, 2012

Novus Aeterno

Last time, I discussed the largely successful indie game Minecraft. Today I'm going in the opposite direction to talk about a rather unknown indie game currently being developed that I'm excited about, called Novus Aeterno. The name is Latin for "new beginning of time".

I found out about this game because I'm subscribed to the feed of a rather talented artist on Deviant Art, who happens to be the concept artist for Novus Aeterno. Once I found out that it was concept art and not just random musings, I looked into the game and immediately fell in love with the concept. Novus Aeterno is a Science Fiction Massively Multiplayer Real Time Strategy game, or MMORTS. I cut my teeth with real time strategy games, and science fiction is my favorite genre, so I was hooked right away.

The game is currently being developed internationally by a handful of programmers who have formed Taitale Studios. The scope of this undertaking is pretty overwhelming, and they have very ambitious goals. Their plan is to have it completely seamless and persistent, something never before seen with an RTS game. Certain games can go on for hours, but an RTS has never before been built on an MMO platform.

The subscription fees that go along with MMO games have made me stay away for the time being, even though I'd like to play some of them, but Novus Aeterno may be the first MMO game I play. The ambition, the genre, and the passion going into this project excites me. I don't need to support Blizzard or Bioware; millions of people already play World of Warcraft and The Old Republic. Indie developers have a lot of untapped passion and potential, and I want to see the fruits of their labor.

For more information about Novus Aeterno, you can check out the following pages:






And to see the concept art that caught my attention, you can look here:

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